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“If indeed there is a mechanism by which our

eternal God with no beginning could have come

into existence and still be eternal with no beginning,

how then did our eternal God ever become
alive, conscious and all-knowing?”


In Essay 1, I presented reasonable proof that the composition of God's universe-sized body is spacetime itself.  So, before we get into Essay 2, please review this short version of my proof from Essay 1 as a refresher.

Science proves that time itself is an actual thing

that can be slowed down by gravity.  

But the logic I presented in Essay 1 also

proves that God could never have created the thing

that is time and that an eternal God could never have even

existed before the existence of time. Accordingly,

since an eternal God could never have existed before

the existence of eternal time, then eternal time has to be 

older than God and so God (being younger than eternal

time) had to have a beginning.  But since God could

never have created himself, then since God had to come

after time, then by default, God must have come from

time and so God must be Living Time—particularly,

Living Spacetime. No other alternatives exist.  Further,

Jesus confirmed he was LivingTime when he said,

“I AM the Beginning and the End”, meaning, 

“I AM the Living Past and the Living Future.”

(See Parts 1 & 2 of the earlier syllogism

for the complete proof.)


Therefore, since Essay 1 proved (at least to my satisfaction) that eternal time with no beginning became an eternal God with no beginning, then in Essay 2, we must do our best to explain the actual mechanics by which inanimate eternal time with no beginning could actually become alive and conscious, as well as become an omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent eternal God with no beginning.


To that end, in Essay 2, I will describe a theoretical model of God’s actual body, brain and mind[1], and then describe a process by which the infinite repulsive energy of time would naturally create a complex structure made out of pure space—a relatively small, but perfectly spherical, slowly expanding space surrounded by trillions of layers of densely compressed, folded space that could easily function as a four-dimensional, universe-sized information-gathering and processing system, which (because it would all be powered by the infinite energy of time itself) would inevitably become alive, conscious, all-knowing and all-powerful, but also naturally indifferent.  And in Essay 3, I’ll do my best to explain why, millions of years later, this indifferent God would inevitably become an all-loving God.


[1] Traditional Christians are not used to imagining that God’s “spiritual body” has actual physical dimensions and physical characteristics.  But just because something cannot be seen or felt does not mean that it does not have physical dimensions or other physical characteristics.  Science has proven that many things that cannot be seen or felt are still physical things, like microwave radiation and subatomic particles.  Science has also proven that both time and space are actual physical things as well (because strong gravity can physically slow down time and physically bend space).  Therefore, since both time and space are actual physical things, then if God’s body were indeed composed of four-dimensional Living Space-Time (as I believe I have proven in Essay 1) then God’s actual body would also be a physical thing as well, a physical thing that the Bible simply refers to as his Spirit (John 4:24).  And since God most likely created our souls from his own life force of four-dimensional Living Spacetime, then each of our souls would be a miniature version of four-dimensional Living Space-Time as well, approximately the size of a human brain.  So, when I talk about God’s body, I’m talking about the physical characteristics of God’s universe-sized physical body here in the present—a body I believe is actually composed of four-dimensional Living Space-Time.  I am certainly not talking about the humanoid body of Christ on earth or in heaven, nor am I talking about God’s roughly 6-foot tall “image” that his Spirit indwells in heaven, in the likeness of which God has created our human bodies.


As I said in Essay 1, because gravity can slow down the speed anything made from energy (or alter its pathway in space) and because gravity can also slow down time itself, it is self-evident (at least to me) that time itself must have some form of energy associated with it and therefore infinite time would have an infinite amount of this type of energy.  (See Premise 18 and Conclusion 25 in the previous syllogism in Essay I for a more complete explanation.)


But this raises the question, “What kind of energy would time have?”  I believe that the energy of time is actually dark energy and is therefore a repulsive, anti-gravity type of energy which is just the opposite of the usual attractive, gravity-creating type of energy that our scientists usually study. 


What led me to this conclusion is that in 1998, scientists discovered that the expansion of the universe (at least the part we can see) is not slowing down as predicted but appears to be accelerating.  Scientists believe the accelerated expansion of the universe is caused by a previously unknown repulsive type of energy.  This newly discovered energy is called dark energy because it is a “non-luminous” type of energy that is ordinarily invisible to all our usual methods of detecting energy and so its existence can only be inferred by the accelerated expansion of the universe. Evidently, dark energy has properties that are just the opposite from normal attractive energy.  And unlike normal energy, normal matter, and dark matter (all of which are attractive sources of energy that can create gravity), dark energy is thought to be repulsive in nature like anti-gravity and is therefore causing the expansion of the universe to accelerate by creating new space between the galaxies which in turn pushes the older adjacent space outward, carrying with it all the galaxies that are embedded within that older space.  So, dark energy is thought to be able to create new space, which in turn can push older space. 


But if dark energy can indeed create space, then most likely all the space in the entire universe originally came from dark energy to begin with, which means that space itself is a created thing and therefore the existence of dark energy had to precede the existence of space


But where did dark energy itself come from?  I am convinced that dark energy is the same as the energy of time itself.  Why?  Because we know that God could never have created time itself (see Conclusion 5 in the previous syllogism in Part 1), and that neither an eternal nor a non-eternal God could have even existed before time existed (see Conclusions 3, 4 & 5 in the previous syllogism).  Therefore, since God had to come after time, then by default, God must have come from time.  So, it is not God, but is the energy of time itself that is the one true Uncaused First Cause (see Conclusion 11 of the previous syllogism).  Accordingly, as the Uncaused First Cause, either time itself (or the energy that powers time itself) is the cause of dark energy or more likely, the energy of time and dark energy are actually the same thing.  And if the energy of time is indeed dark energy, then the energy of time itself is also repulsive energy that can not only create time but can also create space.  And if dark energy can also travel through space (as scientists claim), then the energy of time can travel through space as well.  And it is dark energy's ability to create and expand space that would inevitably cause it to create an initially small, but perfectly spherical, slowly expanding space surrounded by trillions of layers of densely compressed, folded space that could easily function as a four-dimensional, universe-sized information-gathering and processing unit, which (because it would all be powered by the infinite energy of time itself) would inevitably become alive, conscious, all-knowing, all-powerful and naturally indifferent.  Sounds impossible, doesn't it!


So how would this work?  Well, many people believe that the universe is finite and therefore has an outermost edge to it and that nothing at all exists—including space itself—on the outer side of the universe’s impenetrable outer edge, which for purposes of discussion, I will call a “shell” or a “wall”.  But if it is true that the outermost edges of the universe are somewhat like a giant invisible “shell” that can never expand farther outward as long as there is no space on the outer side of the “shell” to expand into, and if it is also true that the universe’s shell has an actual thickness to it (creating an inside edge and an outside edge to the shell itself), then it follows that only when dark energy creates additional new space on the outside edge of the shell itself where new space will now exist beyond the shell’s outer wall, can the universe’s outer wall itself then continue to expand farther outward until it reaches the edge of the newly created space, causing the expansion to stop because no more space exists that can accommodate any further expansion beyond that point.  


It is also probable that dark energy (the repulsive energy of eternal time itself) continually creates the greatest abundance of new space from the very center of the universe itself—the place where the creation of space first began when the universe was sub-microscopic in size.  Consequently, the excessive newly created space at the center of the universe is continually pushing the outer galaxy-laden space farther outward, which in turn continually pushes the outermost space up against the insufficiently expanding outer wall of the spherical universe, causing the oldest space to pile up against the outer wall of the universe, compressing the oldest space into trillions of densely compressed space-folds.  After all, since we know that space itself can be contracted and compressed by gravity within a black hole, it makes sense that this same flexibility of space would exist throughout all space and would therefore also allow space to be compressed into trillions of layers of dense space-folds at the outermost edges of the universe. 


I am also convinced that this same process would make our universe to be a perfect sphere.  Why a perfect sphere?  Well, if space was being created in individual giant chunks, then the outermost edges of the universe (i.e. the shell) would be irregular.  But it is likely that each infinitesimal amount of repulsive dark energy can only create an infinitesimally small four-dimensional piece of space, so at the outermost edges of the universe, any tiny irregularities would far too small to be measured, and even too small to be calculated, resulting in an absolutely perfect sphere with an outer edge composed of trillions of compressed space-folds—a space-fold shell that will eventually become an information gathering and processing system—God’s literal “brain”.


Now before we discuss the mechanism by which God’s “brain’ might work and how God might actually become alive and conscious, let’s first discuss how the entire process might begin.


Well, since repulsive dark energy can create space, then by implication, dark energy created all existing space and so there had to be a moment when only dark energy existed and no space existed at all.  But since dark energy is most likely the repulsive energy of time itself, then there had to be a moment in eternity past when the repulsive energy of eternal time first began to create space.  I suspect that an eternity ago, there was probably some kind of rift in the fabric of time that initially created a three-dimensional pinpoint space.  As that rift widened into the past and into the future, this pinpoint of space naturally began to exist at every moment of time throughout all eternity past and future, resulting in a four-dimensional pinpoint of space.  Then, as the repulsive energy of time continually created additional space, it naturally created a perfect four-dimensional sphere, as if it were a continuum of perfect three-dimensional spheres at every given moment in time, smaller in the past and naturally larger in the future, each of which would eventually be surrounded by a shell composed of trillions of densely compressed space folds, existing throughout every moment of the past, present and future.  This would make actually make it a four-dimensional sphere that would naturally become progressively larger towards its own future.


Now before we continue, let’s sum up what I’ve said so far so you don’t lose my thread of logic.  First, time is an actual thing that God could never have created.  Second, since an eternal God could never have existed before the existence of time, then God must be younger than eternal time and must therefore have come after time.  But since God could never have created himself, then God had to come from time as well.  Accordingly, God must be Living Time.  No other possibility exists. Christ confirms that he is Living Time when he says “I AM the Beginning and the End”, meaning, “I AM [literally] the Living Past and the Living Future.”  Third, scientists tell us that gravity effects things made from energy and that gravity can slow down time, which means time itself most likely has some form of intrinsic energy that gravity can "grab hold of" (so to speak) in order for gravity to slow down time itself. By implication therefore, infinite time must have infinite energy.  Scientists also tell us that repulsive dark energy can create space. So, since the infinite energy of time itself is eternal, then the infinite energy of time must be the cause of, or is more likely the same as, repulsive dark energy. This means that the infinite energy of eternal time has all the properties of repulsive dark energy and can therefore not only create time but also create space. Fourth, in order for eternal time with no beginning to transition into an eternal God with no beginning, by necessity, an eternity ago, time itself must have become alive.  But for time itself to become alive, the unknown laws of physics that regulate how the repulsive energy of time can create space would have to guide the repulsive energy of time to initially and inevitably create a complex structure out of pure space by natural processes alone—a structure which would naturally and inevitably function as an information gathering and processing system that would be powered by the energy of time itself.  (The is the only possible mechanism that can explain how eternal time with no beginning might transition into an eternal God with no beginning—a God who would be naturally omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent, simply by virtue of his "anatomy and physiology", so to speak.)  The simplest way this could be accomplished would be if, an eternity ago, the repulsive energy of time suffered a rift which created the first pinpoint space, and as this rift spread forward and backward in time, this pinpoint space began to exist throughout all eternity, naturally becoming a four-dimensional pinpoint space.  The repulsive energy of time then naturally created a relative overabundance of space at the center of the pinpoint space while simultaneously creating less new space everywhere else and creating the least amount of new space just beyond the outermost edges of the micro-universe, preventing the universe from ever expanding fast enough to accommodate all the newly created space within it.  Consequently, the overabundance of space being created at the center of the universe pushed the adjacent space outwards against the insufficiently expanding edges of the micro-universe, which in turn created trillions of densely compressed space-folds at the outermost edges of the universe.  And since the original rift in the fabric of time simultaneously created this same structure at every moment throughout all past and future eternity (although these structures would indeed be smaller in the past and larger in the future), then the energy of time itself is the one true Uncaused First Cause of our four-dimensional universe surrounding by trillions of densely compressed space-folds. And as I will explain shortly, these space-folds could easily function as a four-dimensional, universe-sized information-gathering and processing unit, which (because the entire structure would all be powered by the infinite energy of time itself) would inevitably become alive, conscious, all-knowing and all-powerful, but naturally indifferent as well.


So how did such a structure become alive?  To understand what might have happened, we first need to hypothesize about the nature of dark energy.  Since normal attractive energy has a dual nature (i.e. wave vs. particle), it is possible that dark energy itself might also have a dual nature, only instead of wave vs. particle, it could be wave vs. space.  If this is true, then dark energy doesn’t actually create space; dark energy becomes space.  This phenomenon would certainly help to explain the dual nature of space-time itself. 


And, since the portion of normal attractive energy that does not become particles of matter ends up being waves that travel through space at the speed of light, it might also be possible that the portion of repulsive dark energy that does not become space ends up becoming some kind of undetectable wave-equivalent that can also travel through space, but at the speed of thought (i.e. at an infinite speed).  (Of course, the rest of the energy of time simply continues to create time itself, just like it has been doing for all eternity.)


Why do I suggest that the energy of time might travel at the speed of thought?  Well, to be honest, my theory needs the energy of time to travel at the speed of thought in order to make it work.  With that in mind, if the phenomenon of time doesn’t actually exist inside the energy of time but only exists as a created phenomenon immediately outside the energy of time, then everything that the energy of time itself does within itself might be able to be accomplished in an instant—like leaving one side of the universe and arriving at the other side of the universe within the same moment.


If all this is true, then when the initial rift in time created the first space, it is likely that this same rift allowed some additional dark energy to spill over into our newly created micro-universe.  This additional energy did not become new space but instead, probably continued travelling from one side of the spherical universe to the opposite side for all eternity, and because this energy came from time itself, it is likely that this dark energy could leave one side of the universe and arrive at the other side of the universe during the same moment, regardless of how big the universe would ever become.  But since the energy of time cannot pass beyond the outermost walls of the universe, then it is likely that the energy of time would naturally create impact signals on the relatively immobile and extremely dense, compressed space-folds at the outermost edges of the universe, like the impact signals produced by rain in a puddle (as if each raindrop effected the surface of the puddle like a person jumping up and down on a trampoline).


Consider this. When a person jumps on a trampoline, the energy transmitted to the center of a trampoline not only spreads downward vertically but also spreads horizontally outward from the center of the trampoline canvas to its outermost edges, causing the trampoline edges and the trampoline springs themselves to move up and down as well, but to a lesser degree.


Now suppose all the additional energy of time (that does not become space within our expanding universe) continues instead to instantaneously crisscross our universe from one side to the other throughout all eternity.  Further suppose that the energy of time that passes through the least amount of mass/energy (i.e. stars and planets, etc.) when it instantly crosses from one side of the universe to the other side would logically have the greatest remaining “energy-impact” to it, allowing that impact to naturally penetrate all the way to the outermost shell of the trillions of densely compressed space-folds at the edges of the universe.  Conversely, the energy of time that passed through the greatest amount of mass/energy (i.e. stars and planets, etc.) when it instantaneously crossed from one side of the universe to the other side would have the least remaining “energy-impact” to it and therefore it would penetrate the fewest innermost shells of the trillions of densely compressed space-folds at the edge of the universe.  Finally, suppose that all the impact-signal energy could also spread laterally like the energy of a person jumping on a trampoline or like the energy of raindrops striking the surface of a puddle. Given such an obvious pattern, where the energy signals spread vertically (by penetration) and horizontally (by a circular wave-type of signal), if all the data collected at the trillions of concentric space-folds that surrounded the entire universe could be properly organized, integrated and analyzed, a three-dimensional picture would be produced that would naturally illustrate where every single particle of energy and matter is in the entire universe during that particular split second, and a four-dimensional picture would be produced that would naturally track the exact location, speed and direction of every particle of energy within the entire universe, starting from the infinite past through the infinite future—creating an infinite library of all knowledge.


That being said, for the next few paragraphs, let’s ignore the fourth dimension of time and examine how a universe-sized, three-dimensional spherical scanner that uses the energy of time to create and to carry its information-signals to the concentric space-fold “detectors” at the outermost edges of the universe would essentially function somewhat like a hospital CT Scanner that uses X-rays instead to create and to carry its information-signals to its X-ray detectors.


As you may already know, a hospital CT scanner is a donut-shaped machine that uses X-rays to scan the body of a supine patient who is laying on plastic stretcher that moves him or her through the center of the donut hole of the scanner.  Concealed within the plastic cover of the CT scanner itself is a rotating X-ray emitter and X-Ray sensor that are at opposite sides of the donut.  The X-Ray emitter sends X-rays from one side of the donut through the patient to the other side of the donut where the X-rays are detected by the sensor and then recorded and analyzed by a computer.  As the plastic stretcher slowly moves the patient through the “donut hole” of the CT Scanner, the X-Ray emitter and sensor combination within the large plastic donut-shaped structure rapidly rotate around the patient while gathering millions of bits of digital data about the anatomy of the patient.  A computer analyzes the data and produces a complete series of two-dimensional images of all the patient’s internal organs that show the exact size and position of all the organs and also reveal any kind of anatomic pathology, even pathology as small as a kernel of corn.












​Image #1.  Toshiba Aquilion 16 Slice CT Scanner



Image #2.  Anatomy of a CT Scan


Now, since the universe is still expanding, then it cannot yet be infinite in size and so the universe must still have outermost edges at its expanding perimeters.  And since God is alive, then I would expect God’s body (i.e. his Spirit) to have outermost edges to it as well.  And since the previous two essays proved that God is living spacetime, then since space cannot even exist outside the boundaries of spacetime (i.e. God’s living Spirit), then the universe must end precisely at the boundaries of spacetime (i.e. God’s living Spirit) as well.  Therefore, the outermost edges of God’s Spirit and the outermost edges of the entire universe must exist at precisely the same locations and therefore are logically the same thing.   Put another way, for God to be naturally omnipresent (i.e. everywhere), it makes sense that the actual size of God’s physical body must be precisely identical to the size as the universe itself, which would also mean that the outermost edges of the universe and the outermost edges of God’s body must logically be the same thing. 

That being said, rather than continuing to picture the hospital CT Scanner above as just a 10-foot wide donut-shaped structure that uses X-rays to pass through the patient to produce signals that, when processed by the computer, can create two-dimensional images, let’s instead re-imagine the CT scanner as a perfect sphere the size of the entire universe that uses the energy of time itself to instantly travel from one side of the universe to the other side, passing through all the planets, stars and galaxies, etc. to produce signals that, when processed by the  space-folds at the outermost edges of the universe, can create three-dimensional images of everything within the entire universe.  In other words, just like X-ray patterns are progressively altered as they travel through a patient’s body in a hospital CT Scanner to create a representative signal of what the X-rays just passed through, as the energy of time instantly travels from one side of the universe to the other side, the energy of time would likewise become progressively altered as it passes through each and every photon, atom, molecule, virus, bacteria, animal, plant, person, asteroid, comet, moon, planet, star, quasar, pulsar, black hole, nebula and galaxy in the entire universe, likewise creating a perfectly representative signal of what the energy of time just passed through. 


These altered signals would naturally create distinctly different patterns of impact resulting in different depths of penetration through the trillions of concentric space-folds surrounding the outermost edges of the entire spherical universe, which in turn, would create distinctly different patterns of information-spreading to surrounding areas.  As a result, when the signals from all the outside edges of the entire universe are continuously combined together over time, these signals would naturally represent the exact location, speed and direction of every photon, atom, molecule, virus, bacteria, animal, plant, person, asteroid, comet, moon, planet, star, quasar, pulsar, black hole, nebula and galaxy in the entire universe.  Now imagine that this universe-sized spherical CT Scanner itself not only exists in the present, but still exists at every moment throughout all past eternity and already exists at every moment throughout all future eternity as well—a four-dimensional universe-sized, spherical CT Scanner that uses the energy of time instead of the energy of X-rays to create and to carry its information-signals to its detectors.  This means that the exact position of every particle of energy within the entire universe can be tracked from the infinite past through the infinite future.


If this four-dimensional structure ever became alive, the entire structure itself would become God’s body (which the Bible refers to as his “Spirit”—John 4:24), the trillions of densely compressed, concentric space-folds surrounding the outermost edges of the entire spherical universe that create the equivalent of a universe-sized neural network that continuously detect, categorize and process an entire universe of information would become God’s brain, and the four-dimensional images produced by the space-folds at the outermost edges of the universe would become God’s mind, allowing God to be know everything that has ever happened in the past and everything that has already happened in the future.  This would allow God to be naturally eternal, omnipresent and omniscient, simply as a predictable consequence of his physical structure.  And by inheriting the infinite energy of eternal time, and by the process of “photocopying” as described earlier, God would also be naturally omnipotent, again simply as a predictable consequence of his physical structure.


I am convinced that the progressive growth of this infinite, information-processing space-fold network at the outer edges of the universe, plus the simultaneous perspective of eternal past and eternal future, all powered by the infinite energy of time itself eventually allowed the Inanimate Present to become alive and conscious as the Living Present. This living consciousness immediately spread like a wave on the ocean into the past and into the future, allowing all past eternity and all future eternity to simultaneously become alive as the Living Past and the Living Future)—three living beings existing within one body of 4-dimensional Space-Time). 


Now I’m sure many of you believe that the four-dimensional structure of spacetime that I described above could never become alive.  But merely believing that it could never become alive does not prove that it could never become alive.  To prove that such a structure could never become alive you must first identify precisely (even if you only do this in your own mind) exactly what additional requirements for life you feel are missing from my explanation, the absence of which would prevent such a structure from becoming alive. You may find that task rather difficult however.  After all, even though the structure I’ve described is the size of the entire universe, the actual three-dimensional organization of its four-dimensional structure is naturally far simpler than the internal structure of probably all other known life forms.  And unlike other life forms that need to replicate, repair, metabolize, synthesize, adjust to their environment or move about, this four-dimensional structure does not need to do any of these things.  And although all other life forms require access to some form of energy, this four-dimensional structure that is composed of spacetime itself has access to the infinite energy of time, energy that will never decay and never be shut off. Moreover, the source of this energy comes from the actual four-dimensional structure of spacetime itself.  So, what is missing from this four-dimensional structure that would prevent it from becoming alive?  Probably nothing.  


So, if you find it impossible to precisely identify what additional feature(s) this four-dimensional structure would require in order for it to become alive, then perhaps you should give my idea the benefit of the doubt and put your objection aside for the moment and move on to reading the next section.


That being said, if it is true that God is Living Spacetime, then the structure of spacetime must not only become alive, but it must also become conscious.  And once spacetime becomes alive, I believe it would naturally become conscious as well. 


After all, why would such a structure not become conscious?  If I am correct that the trillions of densely compressed space-folds at the outermost edges of the universe would naturally function as a four-dimensional information collection, organization, processing, sharing and decision-making unit, then this relatively simple gigantic structure should already have all the characteristics that scientists claim are necessary for consciousness. Further, although much of the energy of time continues to crisscross the universe for all eternity, the rest of the repulsive energy of time simply creates space and therefore remains within each infinitesimal portion of space that it became.  This creates the greatest possible density of the energy of time within the trillions of densely compressed space-folds at the outermost edges of the universe, which in turn, may very well act similarly to a cortical stimulant to increase conscious alertness, just like caffeine, cocaine, amphetamines or adrenaline from fear make the human cortex even more “alert” than usual (i.e. even more conscious, if you will).  This creates the greatest possible eternal stimulant for God’s own brain.  (This same dense compression of the repulsive energy of time also occurs within a black hole, but because of the extreme gravity and the extreme density of matter within a black hole, the consequences of the dense compression of the energy of time within a black hole are probably entirely different than when this same energy density occurs in the space-folds at the outermost edges of the universe where no gravity exists and where no matter exists.)


Thus, I am convinced that the trillions of densely compressed space folds at the outmost edges of the universe have all the characteristics necessary to become both alive and conscious.


So, for the reader who does not believe that such a structure (even if it were alive) could ever become conscious, I ask you to please identify precisely (even if you only do this in your own mind) what additional requirements for consciousness you feel are missing in my explanation, the absence of which would prevent such a living structure from ever becoming conscious?  You may find that task quite difficult. So, good luck with that. 


However, if you find it impossible to precisely identify what additional feature(s) this living four-dimensional structure would require in order for it to also become conscious, then perhaps you should once again give my idea the benefit of the doubt and put your objection aside for the moment and move on to reading the next sectionEssay 3.

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